

2 Timothy 2:15 – “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”

AWANA stand for “Aproved Workmen Are Not Ashamed”. Our programs are designed not only to teach Biblical truths to children, but to encourage memorizing scripture, and support fun and friendship.

Leader - Jami Thomas

Phone Number – 417-247-6154


How it works:

Activity Time


Exciting activities that allow kids to participate regardless for their skill level.

Small Group Time


No one gets lost in the crowd. Your child receives individualized attention from a caring adult leader as she or he works through an introductory booklet and then an age-specific activity book.

Large Group Time


An interactive large group segment where kids meet together to sing, hear a Bible lesson, and receive awards. Awana leaders go the extra mile to help your kids understand the Bible and how it applies to their lives.

The Awana program is a tool used to create a church/parent partnership to equip children to know God and follow His commands. It is a discipleship program that is scripture focused and allows the parent to take part in the spiritual growth of their children. In Deuteronomy 32:46 it says, “Take to heart all the words by which I am warning you today, that you may command them to your children, that they may be careful to do all the words of this law.”

Moses wanted the Israelites to remember their responsibility to obey God’s Word and teach future generations to do the same. The programs in Awana seek to follow this pattern in God’s Word. We seek to know God’s Word and understand it, in order to change how we live. So, each week children spend time memorizing the Scriptures and learning how to apply them in their lives.

Program is available from K-6th grade (Youth available from 6th-12th starts at 6:30 contact Paula Renshaw for more info) Nursery-PreK available to church children whose parents are working in the program or in Bible study, so that the parent will be available to assist with their small child.

We will start September 8th, 2021, then continue every Wednesday until May, 5:30-7:30 pm. Registration needs to be turned in by August 15th to ensure enough booklets will be ordered.


What does A.W.A.N.A. offer your child?

Biblical teaching

Basics for a relationship with God

A foundation for a Biblical worldview

Ultra-fun games and activities

Bible memorization

Positive friendships

Support for parents as they spiritually nurture their children

In-club adult affirmation and encouragement

Consistent and positive training on how to thrive in group settings

Awards and recognition for accomplishments

Registration Form