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We are happy to answer your questions and assist you if possible. If you’d like to speak with someone over the phone, please call (573)292-3324. You can also get in touch with us by email or using this form. We would love to hearing from you.


Contact or Visit Us

Email Address


108 State Hwy FF
Birch Tree, MO, 65438

Phone Number

(573) 292-3324


General Questions

What are your service times?


Sunday School  – 10:00 am

Sunday Service – 11:00 am & 6:00 pm


Awana Dinner – 5:15 pm

Awana Assembly – 5:45 pm

Adult Bible Study – 6:30 pm

Youth Bible Study – 6:30 pm

Do you have childcare?

Nursery is available during Sunday services up to three years old.

What is offered for children?

Sunday School classes are available every Sunday at 10:00 am for all ages. Nursery is available.

Children’s church, for ages 4-7, dismisses after the music during the morning service, to gather in the old sanctuary to learn the Word of God through engaging activities.

Awana is a Wednesday evening program focused reaching boys and girls with the Gospel of Jesus Christ while teaching them to serve Him. Awana is place where children can play games, memorize Bible verses and learn the Bible lessons throughout the school year. Supper is available at 5:15 prior to assembling. Assembly begins at 5:45 to kick off the night’s events.

Is adult Sunday School divided by ages?

Children & youth have age-appropriate classes. Each adult class is open ages. Visit each one to find where you fit in.

What type of music is played during the song service?

We are blessed to enjoy worshipping with a variety of styles.

What is the age range of people that attend?

We have newborns to 90+. Our median age is 32 years old.