
FBC Birch Tree

Reaching the world for Christ is the ultimate goal of each of our ministries. Each ministry offers opportunities to learn and grow through fellowship and service. We reccommend finding a ministry that suits your interests and God-given abilities as a great way to find community and fulfillment in your walk with God.

There are many ways to serve at FBC Birch Tree

About Us

founded in 1867

We have become so much more than a local church. As a body our congregation has grown from a small-town church to a regional church with members from as far away as 50 miles. Jesus said “and I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to myself.” John 12:32
We are not an event, building or program. We are family! And you are welcome to be a part of it.

Sunday School

Community in Christ

Sunday School is a great opportunity to create a solid foundation and build lasting relationships. Take this opportunity by getting connected in a class and connected with other Christians. Growth and relationships are what we seek!

Nursery Available

Classes from Preschool to High School

Multiple Adult Classes Available